O scriitoare americana, acum 3-4 vieti de-ale mele, zicea ca e o proportie de 1:3 pentru nebuni... Avand in vedere ca m-am gandit la cat de normali sunt prietenii mei, nebuna sigur nu sunt eu ...
joi, 29 septembrie 2011
tricks and sleeves
A inceput noul an scolar :))) Nici nu le mai numesc universitare, cause apparently people will be kids forever.... :)) I am in such a good mood :) You have nooooo idea :D It's very very very hot in England right now, and although I have to go back home and struggle with a massive pile of laundry, I still think it's one of those days .... :) Cred ca am scris pe aici ca I miss my old self de atatea ori, ca daca u type treaba pe google, apare primul blogul meu :))) BUT I am comin back :d And I will be very proud to reintroduce me to the world.... Jezus, Anglia e un soi de verde de Paris pentru personalitati, pe cuvant .... Sucks up all the energy :))
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